Awareness/GOTV Video

What the Sanders campaign wanted is essentially a beauty contest that, given the situation with the public health emergency, seems to be unnecessary and, indeed, frivolous.

– Douglas Kellner, co-chair of the New York State Board of Elections

Democracy is not a beauty contest. The “unanimous” vote of two co-chairs (both Democrats) of the New York State Board of Elections should not trump the votes of millions of New Yorkers.

Design for Awareness produced this video to raise awareness of the action NYSBOE has taken. The first version of the video focused on the wholesale cancellation of the primary, as the action was initially reported. The video has been revised to reflect that ONLY the presidential primary has been canceled. Circus music was added to reflect the absurdity of two officials “unanimously” deciding to cancel our presidential primary (democracy). Read more at The Missing Point.

Call/contact New York State Board of Elections to let them know you would like your right to vote back.

#DemocracyCanceled #VoterSuppression #ElectionIntegrity #Democracy #Voting #Awareness