Our Grief is Not a Cry for War
10,000 New Yorkers marched to Times Square on October 7th 2001, united in common conviction that the United States government should not exploit the September 11th attacks as an excuse for war.
Design for Awareness in conjunction with the coalition's Arts & Culture Working Group, produced 200 signs for this demonstration. Half of these read NEW YORK NOT IN OUR NAME / OUR GRIEF IS NOT A CRY FOR WAR, but it was the ISLAM, ARABS & IMMIGRANTS ARE NOT THE ENEMY sign that received the most press.
Over the following year we designed additional signs to supplement the initial five, flyers, buttons, t-shirts, a banner, and other materials for multiple marches, rallies and forums around the interrelated issues of the war on terror, illegal detentions, immigrant solidarity, civil liberties, and budget cuts. The NYCPJ symbol is a realignment of the negative spaces within the common peace symbol, the triangular shapes assembled by multiple hands working together. The symbol was designed as a representation of the concept of coalition and a reflection on rebuilding peace in the aftermath of 9/11.
#Peace #Justice #Coalition #Solidarity #Immigrants #AfghanistanWar #WarOnTerror #NYC