Kevin Wilson’s kindness and generosity of spirit find their way into everything he creates. His dedication to the work, the craft, the story, and above all else to his colleagues, leaves little room for ego. One of the first things he said to me as we began fleshing out The Script Farm identity was, “I am not the farmer”…
But it is the farmer that prepares the field for the coming season. It is the farmer that holds the space for new life. The farmer that knows when and where and what to plant, and perhaps most importantly, when it is time for harvest. It is the farmer who facilitates the abundance so that all may be nourished. And all of that is Kevin.
Kevin and I have been brothers since we shared the dance floor some thirty years back, and what was true then is true now: while dance serves as a unique expression of our life, it is simultaneously an invitation for others to join the dance.