United for Peace & Justice
On February 15th 2003, an estimated 15 million people in 60 countries around the world said No to War. The largest of these demonstrations took place in countries that were part of the bush administration's coalition of the willing: with 2 million marching in Rome, 1.5 million in London, 1.3 million in Barcelona.
After much discussion on the relative merits of positive vs. negative messaging, the slogan The World Says No to War was agreed upon. Thomas Gallagher, as volunteer coordinator of the United for Peace & Justice Arts & Culture Working Group, proposed 14 language (solidarity) banners selected from two groups: countries on the UN Security Council that could veto a use of force resolution; and communities targeted or more directly affected by war on terror policy. Similarly, march signs were designed in four languages, symbolically representing the three major cultural/religious communities at the center of the conflict.
The banners and signs were created with two objectives in mind, to visually show solidarity with people outside the United States, and to provide a means for members of those communities/cultures living in NYC to represent their sisters and brothers. The designs were based on earlier signage for Stand Up New York.
A 10' x 24' stage banner created for the FEB 15 rally, based on the drawings of a young graffiti artist from Philadelphia, was painted, quite literally, overnight by members of the Arts & Culture Working Group.
#Feb15 #NoToWar #NoToBush #StopTheWar #Peace #IraqWar #WarOnTerror
March signs in English, Spanish, Arabic, and Hebrew.
Photo by Fred Askew
New York Times photo
Photo by Diane Greene Lent
Associated Press photo
El Diario/La Prensa photo
Photo by Diane Greene Lent
Language (Solidarity) Banners from top: English, Tagalog, Korean, Spanish, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Swahili, Russian, Japanese, Urdu, Italian, French, and Chinese. Lead banner 3' x 20' – all others 2' x 7-10'
March day t-shirt front/back. Generic English, Spanish, Arabic, and Hebrew versions were designed, but only the English and Spanish were printed.
Over the subsequent months we designed other UFPJ banners, signs, mobilizing and issue specific flyers, and even produced a radio announcement for a New York Says No to WTO rally.
June 23, 2004 – Bush Fundraiser Protest (in solidarity with Planned Parenthood) signs. Bombs Drop Bush Profits small type reads Carlyle – Halliburton – Bechtel. Who Profits From War? small type: same plus The Bush Campaign. Bush Lied About WMD small type: and everything else.
Photo from Hoy by Rami Talaie
Page from MSNBC website slideshow
Q&A October 25 rally & march mobilization flyer – English/Spanish
Tax Day / NYC Budget Cuts Flyer Front / Back
FEB 15 stage banner from Hoy cover photo (AP) by Frank Franklin II
September 13, 2003 - World Says No to WTO
March 20, 2004 – photo by Diane Greene Lent